AcademicCafe Pass Guarantee

Pass Our Exams and We Guarantee You’ll Pass Theirs

One of the best parts of preparing with us is our 100% pass guarantee.

If you don’t pass your exam, contact us within 30 days of your exam test date and we will refund your original purchase price.

To process your refund we need proof of your exam failure and the email address that you registered with to verify that you received scores of at least 80% on all your AcademicCafe exams.

Refund Process for Failed Exam

To initiate a refund for a failed exam, follow these steps:

  1. Reach out to a member of our support team by visiting our contact us page
  2. Tell us a little about what is going on
  3. Include a screenshot or PDF of your score report. Make sure your name, date of exam, and scores are visible
  4. Our team will review your request within 24 hours
  5. Our team will communicate with you on next steps

AcademicCafe Pass Guarantee Shield