TSI Math Practice Test

Take our TSI math practice test below. Answer the 20 questions on different concepts tested and see how you do.

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TSI Math Diagnostic Pretest

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TSI A2 Math Exam Overview

The Texas Success Initiative 2.0 (TSIA2) is an assessment used to determine college readiness for students who are not exempt (have not met necessary standards). There is an English Language Arts Reading and a Math section. We will focus on math.

Quick Facts

  • College Readiness Classification (CRC) Math Test
    • This is the first test you will be given.
    • 20 Questions
    • Untimed
    • If you do not meet the necessary benchmark on this exam, you will be required to take the Mathematics Diagnostic Test (keep reading).
  • Mathematics Diagnostic Test
    • This is the second test you will be given (if you do not meet the benchmark on the CRC math test).
    • 48 Questions
    • Untimed
    • The results of this exam will tell you your strengths and weaknesses and will help your counselor place you in the proper courses.

Topics Tested

The following topics will be tested on both the CRC and diagnostic test:

  1. Quantitative Reasoning: Involves calculating ratios, proportions, and percentages. Will also include working with linear equations and expressions.
  2. Algebraic Reasoning: Involves solving linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, rational, and radical equations. You will also be asked to evaluate functions and solve algebraic word problems.
  3. Geometric and Spatial Reasoning: Involves converting units in various measurement systems as well as solving perimeter, area, surface area, and volume problems. You will also be asked to perform transformations and using right triangle trigonometry to solve problems.
  4. Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning: Involves classifying data, working with data, and calculating probability.

Note: You will not be allowed to bring a calculator. Some problems on the exam will allow a calculator. If they do, the calculator will appear on your screen.

Goal of the TSI A2 Math Exam

The main goal of the exam is to help identify areas of strength and weakness to help place you in the correct college courses. The exam is not pass or fail, but your results will be used by your counselor to ensure that you are placed in the appropriate courses.

Doing well on the TSIA2 math exam can potentially help you “test out” of specific courses when entering college.

An image showing an overview of the TSIA2 math exam

TSI Math Question Types

There is only one type of question on the TSI math exam:

  1. Multiple-Choice

The multiple-choice questions will cover 4 main concepts:

  1. Quantitative Reasoning
  2. Algebraic Reasoning
  3. Geometric and Spatial Reasoning
  4. Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning

One thing to note about this exam is that it is computer adaptive. This means that the questions will become easier or harder based on how you are performing on the exam.

TSIA2 Math Exemption List

There are some scenarios in which a student is exempt from taking the TSI math test. Some of those exemptions include:

  • High scores on the ACT, SAT, GED, HiSET, TAKS, or STAAR.
  • Successful completion of a college preparatory course.
  • Active duty or retired military.
  • Already graduated with an associate degree or higher.

Practice for the TSI Math Exam with the Right Tools

Going into this exam prepared can help you save time and money. If you score well on this exam, you can position yourself to test out of specific courses in college. Our prep program offers the following to help you succeed:

1. Mock Exams

TSI math practice questions are a great way to prepare for the exam. You will get the opportunity to answer questions that test you on the same concepts as the actual exam. You can use these mock exams to:

  • Determine Problem Areas
  • Determine If You Are Ready For Your Exam

 2. Study Guides

We provide abbreviated study guides for key concepts that you will be tested on. We keep our study guides as “to-the-point” as possible. We do not want to waste anyone’s time. Review the study guides to learn key concepts or just to brush up on some items you may have forgotten.

3. Question Banks (Concept Specific)

We provide a question bank to help you focus on specific types of questions you may want to practice. For example, if you really struggle with factoring, you can go into our question bank and practice those specific questions. The question banks allow you to study in a stress free environment.

Tips and Tricks for TSI Math Practice

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when preparing for the TSI math examination.

  • Take Our Diagnostic TSI Practice Exam Above: The exam above will help you determine where you stand. If you do well on it, you may be ready for the actual exam. If you struggled, you may want to spend some time studying and preparing for the actual exam.
  • Find Problem Areas: We recommend taking multiple practice exams to diagnose problem areas. Finding problem areas will allow you to focus your studies on those specific topics and study in a more efficient manner.
  • Utilize Answer Explanations: Our answer explanations will help you learn key concepts by explaining exactly how to solve each problem. You may learn a new way to solve a problem that makes more sense to you.
  • Give Yourself Time: When studying math, it can be a bit overwhelming. Try to give yourself some time so that you are not cramming right before your exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are 2 potential exams you will need to take (related to math):

  • CRC: 20 Questions
  • Diagnostic Exam: 48 Questions

The TSI exam is all multiple-choice questions. Keep in mind that the exam is computer adaptive. This means it gets harder or easier based on how you are performing.

The main goal of this exam is to place you into the correct courses. The exam will assess your strengths and weaknesses in math.

You will have a couple of different options when it comes to taking the exam. Some of those options could include:

  • At your college
  • At a proctored testing center
  • Remotely from home (with an online proctor)

We recommend that you start off by taking our diagnostic exam above. If you do well, you may not need to study.

Doing well on the actual TSI exam can help you test out of certain college courses, which will save you time and money in the long-run.

Molly Meehl Headshot
Authored By: Molly Meehl

Molly Meehl is a licensed mathematics educator with 10+ years of experience.

Molly has taught at various independent schools and as adjunct faculty at local universities. She has expertise with a wide range of the mathematical field from Algebra through AP Calculus and AP Statistics.

Learn more about Molly Meehl.